Thursday, August 30, 2007

Yes, it's 4.30...

And I just met G for the first time! LOL!

And no, we haven't been together all night! He joked last night on the phone that he could call in on his way to work for a quick pash and I said that sounded good! So I have been waking up every half hour or so and then he rang at 4.10 to ask if I really meant it and I said yes so he called in! So I suppose you could say we met in public as I went down to the driveway and he got out of his car and we hugged and kissed a little and he is meeting me after work today and we are going for a coffee or something and I am scared, but so excited!

So I did put a load of washing on and I am now back in bed and I will try and get some more sleep! I hope no one ever tries to wipe the smile off my face!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Um, I think I have a date this week...

I am all jittery and fluttery and excited and...

Well earlier in the week I got a message from a guy (G) from the dating site. Pretty soon we were exchanging witty messages and had shared our yahoo messenger ids! We had a very very long chat Thursday night and again Friday. On Friday he said we just had to meet. Then yesterday he took his parents and children (twins same age as J) to visit some caves and was out of mobile range. (We had exchanged mobile numbers the other night too!)

Last night we had a farewell for someone at work. There was a bar tab. There was champagne. I think you can guess the rest! Anyway, in my inebriated state I sent G a text message last night after I found that the partner of a colleague knows G from work and told me what a nice guy he is. Then when I got home I sent him a drunken email telling him I couldn't wait to meet him and got a bit soppy, but stopped short of declaring undying love or anything that dramatic! When I woke up this morning with my head thumping and checked my outbox I thought o dear! I thought as soon as he got home I wouldn't hear from him again. But no, he sent me a text saying that he had been thinking of me whilst he was away and then replied to the email telling me how lovely it was.

He appears very romantic and sweet and witty and educated and I am looking forward to having dinner with him. I honestly don't know if I am looking for a relationship or anything, but a date sounds nice!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

For that MrsFroggie woman! LOL

She keeps pestering me about posting so here it is!

Work: Well work is fan-fairy-tastic! I love it and it is what is keeping me sane!

A month or so back the store manager asked me to come into her office for a chat. She basically told me that she was creating a team leader position based on some of my previous work and 'encouraged me to apply.' So I did and I have been told I have the position. I am sad that I won't be as involved in the department as I have been, but excited at the prospects, especially as I was asked during the week by the store manager if I wanted to become part of the management team. I told her not at the moment as it is too hard with the kids.

We had stocktake this week and I coordinated our department after our team leader left a couple of weeks ago. It went so well and everyone praised me. My line manager even winked at me when praising me and I am not sure what that means! LOL! He is also being realigned and I joked to him that although the team will be sad to see him go they will be overjoyed to see me go so it will all even out! One of the senior managers thought that was very amusing! Actually I have gotten on really well with the team over the last few weeks. I have stepped up to basically being acting team leader and they have responded. I read somewhere recently that the trick is not to delegate, but to delegate and then follow up. So that is what I have done, using positive reinforcement techniques on the guys. I did joke to one guy who is in his early 20s that it must seem like he is back at school with the way I carry on as I feel like I am in a classroom at times and he said he was really enjoying it. So I must be doing something right!

With stocktake came the reports and I really enjoyed using my brain for a bit! I have decided that I will definitely finish my thesis, but the classroom is on hold. If anything I think I would prefer adult education or training of some description.

I do need to dedicate a post to sh*t for brains (not even giving him the honour of uppercase!) but that can wait- he hardly deserves one, but I do need to vent about his behaviour. Bastard.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I haven't stopped blogging

Really, I haven't! Lots to tell too- big developments at work, no love life at all- apart from a 5'5" cleaner who started chatting to me at RSVP (but hey, he might be a rich sugar daddy who is masquerading as a cleaner!), W is being a total sh*t for brains...

Will try and blog over the weekend!

Monday, August 06, 2007

What to do with $2500

No, not yet, but...

Over at Ashwin's Blog, you will find one crazy blog owner!! You can win $2500!! To enter just copy this text and paste it in your blog!! But hurry, this competition will not last long! So get posting!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Utterly exhausted...

What a weekend! Friday night K and I went out to the Tapas Bar and beyond! cocktails, Spanish wine, great food, then onto a few pubs and a nightclub and then the casino. Rolled home around 1am. No decent men out that we could find, but I suspect we had had a little too much to drink anyway...

Then yesterday morning I woke up at 5.30. I was not well! I drove the porcelain bus for a while and kept having to get on it again and again! K was feeling fine and managed to cook a breakfast for the kids and herself but I was too ill to eat! I slept a bit more then came with Miss I and her friend whilst J stayed with K and his friend for a bit. Then we did the big kid swap- Miss I stayed there again last night whilst J stayed with W.

Last night was the farewell for a work colleague whom I am really sad to see go. It was at a great Greek restaurant and I made sure I was driving and had one glass of wine for the night! I know I was sick because I mixed drinks and I really should know better!

So home last night just before midnight. This morning I helped with a breastfeeding education class for expecting parents. I really enjoyed it, even though I was pretty tired. THen to collect J, then Miss I. Was going to nap this afternoon but got some laundry done instead. Work has asked me to swap days this week- need to post about work sometime. So I will head to bed very very shortly. I have not had such a social weekend in a long time! I did enjoy it- the getting dressed up bits and the dancing and the food and the drinking on Friday, even if I was sick because of it! K and I are going to try and get out once a month sans kids. Will see how we go and make sure next time we don't drink as much!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Work can wait...

Yes, I do need to blog about work, but that can wait!

A semi-eventful weekend last weekend. Friday night I had my Tupperware Party. A few people came, including W's SIL and 2 of her friends. In the end I got the reward I wanted- microwave reheatable dishes. Had an interesting chat with W's SIL (after she had a few wines). Not that she knows I have a lawyer, but a friend of hers had a job at my lawyer's legal firm and had to leave as they were so ruthless with their staff. Apart from me knowing this isn't the case (as I know a few people who work there!) it gave me pleasure knowing that she thinks my firm is ruthless!

Saturday, my friend K looked after the kids. They had a great time and we stayed for dinner. K is a brilliant cook and we all enjoyed it. After tea we put Singstar on the PS2. Well K and I had a ball! We probably drank too much red wine, but everyone thought it was so funny! Miss I & J loved being with their friends and K and I couldn't stop laughing. Tomorrow night K and I are going out to a Tapas bar where they have Salsa lessons or something! LOL! K is also a sole parent and she said we might as well both be out on the prowl together! Next Friday night we are taking the kids to see the John Butler Trio which should be lots of fun.

Anyway, on Sat night, K convinced me to sign up to RSVP, the online dating site! I have had a few guys blow me kisses, and one guy chatted with me, but I am not that convinced that anything will come of it. Well I have had kiss from a guy in the same city as T lives in who claims to be a doctor and he looks just gorgeous in his photos, but unless he contacts me then I doubt anything will come of it! I don't know if I believe in happily ever after anymore, but I do want to meet someone I can chat to and snuggle with and who appreciates me for who I am. I don't know if I want a relationship however and I still don't think I 'do' casual sex or anything! So watch this space! LOL!