Monday, September 04, 2006

Kind to be cruel

T sent me the above link yesterday and I can't stop reading it. Over and over again I keep coming back to it.

I tried to talk to him about it and he just said more nasty things about me. I just don't know anymore :(

The article is at if the link above does not work.

This is just crap crap crap crap crap

Yes, of course the email account (which is only a mailbox fee of $2/month) is linked to Ws mobile account. Now Ws mobile was disconnected 2 weeks ago, but do you think he has phoned them about it? No, of course not. So it looks as though credit management has closed the account! *I* have to ring tomorrow because I know for certain that he won't.

And then tonight when I have tried to talk to him we are back to 'our marriage is a sham, it is over, you don't clean, you don't do the laundry'. Yep. All my fault again. So I asked him what he was going to do about it. he says he is going to move downstairs until he can move out. But is still lying in our bed.

I just can't take his crap anymore.

And now!

We have lost our email address I think because W couldn't be bothered to sort out his mobile problems. I am on hold to see if we can get it back. Have been on hold for 15 minutes.


I want to give up...

Well I suppose complacency means that old habits creep back in...

After quite a nice weekend...

We were driving home from BILs last night at 6.45 and Miss 8 says 'What are we doing when we get home?'. I tell her that everyone is tired to it is straight to bed. She is exhausted and protests that she wants to watch 'idol' (or as I refer to it idle!). I say no, that she will be having a shower, getting ready for school tomorrow and going to bed. Mr 5 actually admits he is tired! A first for everything I suppose! Well Miss 8 got upset and in the car W just blasted me for making Miss 8 cry. He later admitted that if she was allowed to watch telly then she would fall asleep! As it was she was in bed asleep at 7.30!

Then this morning! To cut a long story short... Mr 5 broke the toaster a few weeks ago. We are out of all cereal except rolled oats. W wanted to sleep in. No reason really, except he rebelled about having an early night because I had made the kids go to bed. So I am trying to cut lunches, W usually makes porridge, but this morning decides not to- no time. He actually tells Mr 5 that he can have some licorice for breakfast! I say no! (surprise surprise!). Mr 5 gets upset. W ends up smacking him. Later on he blames me.

So before we go to the shrink this morning I get the mail from the postbox from the last week. We have a coffee as we open some of it. Bill after bill he flashes in front of my eye until we get to his mobile bill. His mobile was disconnected a couple of weeks ago and he is yet to ring up about it and arrange a payment scheme. I asked him what *he* was going to do about it. Bold move on my part, but perhaps not the smartest. His sick leave finishes in a few weeks and he is yet to organise anything else. Hasn't been to centrelink or anything!

So we get to the shrink. W is upset. P confronts him about things (including parenting on the same page as his partner!) and W just withdraws. P tells him that he needs to stop withdrawing. I am asked to leave the consult at the end, which means W is being asked about his suicide risk status. I feel like the bitch from hell. So instead of going into uni, he is in bed. I am leaving him to it.

Sometimes I really think that in the long term a massive heart attack or whatever may be for the best.

But then I read the post before this and remember how much i do love him.

Life is just shitty.

What I meant to post last night and am posting now to remind myself later...

Things have been coming along really well. I feel W and I are 'reconnecting.' We had a lovely evening the other night. Watched a bit of telly together then went to bed and chatted and just held each other. It was nice! Had quite a nice weekend after Friday (W ended up in emergency with stomach pains. Antacid ended up fixing it, but they thought it might have been cardiac).

I think we are talking more...

(ok! Very hard to type the above in light of today... see next post!)