Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tag, you're it!

Apparently the new way of being tagged is by just reading a blog. Well I do check into Anna's blog (http://annacpics.blogspot.com/index.html and I still don't know how to make a hyperlink with text!) every day and she told me to do it... So if you are reading this, you too have been tagged :)

1. Where is your cell phone? In my bag, I think, unless it is still next to the bed
2. Your spouse? Um, I think I still have one of those legally. He is shaving
3. Your hair? on my head really needing a wash, but I couldn't be bothered this morning so I have just tied it back!
4. Your mother? Melbourne, but this time last week she was in Bali...
5. Your father? RIP 14/4/90
6. Your favorite thing? food
7. Your dream last night? it was a weird one about work and several friends kept popping into it. Very strange!
8. Your favorite drink? G&T, Red wine, Margaritas, Cosmopolitans...
9. Your dream car? MG Convertible
10. The room you are in? the lounge
11. Your favorite food? Roast Lamb
12. Your fear? which one... I have many. At the moment it is not being a good enough single parent
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? too far away to think about. perhaps teaching, perhaps managing a department store :)
14. Who did you hang out with last night? Myself... and had a brief chat to T online before she was rushed back to hospital...
15. What you’re not? a supermodel... or a role model at times...
16. Muffins? banana
17. One of your wish list items? a lovely man who loves me for who I am and has little or no emotional baggage
18. Your dinner tonight? Chili Macaroni
19. The last thing you ate? Toast with lime marmalade
20. What are you wearing? white blouse with black dress over the top
21. Your tv? Missed desperate housewives last night... will watch All Saints tonight. Spicks and Specks Wednesday...
22. Your pet? none at present
23. Your computer? Mac iBook G4
24. Your life? never dull...
25. Your mood? exhausted
26. Your holidays? Off to Sydney in 14 sleeps!
27. What are you thinking about right now? why W is still such a bastard and relies on me to do his stuff
28. Your car? Hope to have a new one in the next fortnight...
29. Your work? Busy at the moment, but at least I have hours and am being appreciated
30. Summer? what type? Wet without cyclones please!
31. Your relationship status? Almost estranged
32. Dream vacation? Would love to do Europe one day
33. When is the last time you laughed? Can't remember :(
34. Last time you cried? Sunday night J was just gorgeous and creative and inventive and it made me so proud.
35. School? Most mornings I do the drop off :) No I went to an all girls school from P-12
36. The last CD you listened to? Regina Spektor 'Begin to Hope'
37. Guilty pleasure? Chocolate...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

10 minutes and counting...

My New Year's intention (resolution seemed a little hard!) was to take better care of my skin- well more specifically my face. I started off cleansing, toning and moisturising every night and have slowly added mornings too. Tonight I have a mask on that needs to be wiped off in around 9 minutes, so I thought I would blog whilst waiting! All this has paid off. I have had far fewer zit outbreaks and I like the feel of my skin. Many people have told me I am glowing, which surprises me seeing the state of my home affairs. Anyway, it is almost 3 months into the year and it has only been in the last fortnight that my routines have slipped a little. Hence the mask tonight- back into it!

I was approached at work yesterday by another manager- "F, walk with me." I immediately, thought I was in trouble, but in fact it was the opposite. The store launched a store card last November and it is important that as many customers as possible are signed up. This manager is responsible for the store's efforts in this card and has permission to 'employ' a person who will be the MCard Rover. She offered me the job! It will be semi-set hours with extra hours in electrical and possibly other departments. I have asked for a contract, but if it is set hours at a casual rate then I won't complain! I was told to keep it hush hush, but told W and the kids last night over dinner. W just wanted to know when my thesis would be finished. Miss I was ecstatic, but can't understand why they love mummy so much at work! I don't think j understood!

Well today I was told that this manager had gone to her manager and she was thrilled with the idea of me doing this so it was all go. Then I was congratulated by Dreadful D! I asked if people had been told (duh!). Then I was called into the tail end of the managers' meeting. I had had a great day sales wise- LCD TV, 2 home theatre systems, 2 high end laptops, a number of small appliances etc. And I signed up 2 MCards! LOL! Well they all applauded me and were full of congratulations! I have tomorrow off and start on Saturday! They are doing a communication to all staff tomorrow telling them all about my role. As Big Kev (RIP!) would say- I'm excited!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Good news and bad news


Well the really good news is that Miss I is not clinically depressed or clinically anxious, but unless things change she is heading that way. An interesting appointment with J, her psychologist. (How come I always say appointments are interesting?!?) W didn't say much. Miss I is trying to be a parent to J who she is really really worried about and also to W and I. She hates it when we fight and when W tells her that he won't be her father anymore and that I am kicking him out. She also admitted she is being bullied at school and this was occurring last year and she didn't want to admit to it because she thought it would worry us more.

She told J that she hates daddy being sick and liked it when he wasn't sick. I'm really glad she can remember when he wasn't sick as I don't think I can. J recommended that we take Miss I and Master J to the Catholic welfare agency for some support and some family therapy etc.

I keep telling W that I don't want to deny him access to the kids. But he is going to have to pull his act together.

I am going to have to head to bed, but this is post 100... That is a lot of rambling and I am certain that there are more words here than will be in my thesis. If only that was as easy to write the thesis, but then again I do enjoy work at the store at the moment!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Another week...

So much appears to have happened that I have had to do a plan for this blog post! LOL!

First W appears to have had an interesting appointment with P on Thursday. Apparently P has told him that it does look like the marriage is over and W has to take some action. W did say that P said that I was screwing W and he would be a loser in the end, but I don't know if that was P's terms or W's interpretation. W and I have had a couple of chats- well Thursday morning before he went he refused to drive me to work until I told him that I was making a huge mistake and we could work things out. I didn't tell him that and instead decided to take the 'you are being such a prat, now just drive me to work' route which kinda worked. I am really avoiding him and putting off ringing MIL. Apparently W has told PIL that I want him to leave and MIL has said that he has to wait to see what I arrange. Typical! I want to ring MIL and tell her that the only think I will be arranging is a flight to Adelaide for W to go and live with them, as I know that would prompt her to do something! I know she gave her other son a significant amount of money before Christmas to help with their new house, and it would be nice if she could do the same for her other son, but I can't really see it happening.

Work has been hectic. I can't wait to get paid this week because a) I have worked over 85 hours in the last fortnight, and b) I changed my tax status after I realised that I wasn't claiming the tax free threshold from anywhere! I am hoping that I can put a couple of hundred dollars away for my Sydney trip, but realise this may be pie in the sky. I have opened my own account with a new bank who will not have any fees if I direct deposit my salary each month. Easy! Plus it has a Visa Debit function so i have the joy of Visa facilities, but with no credit. I was going to talk about Sydney later on, but will add it in here! I go down for a week after Easter- I hope to work Easter Monday as it is a public holiday and fly out early Easter Tuesday. I so hope to spend some time with S and catch up with L. S- I am also hoping I can have a bath again! LOL! I am going to spend the weekend I am there in Sydney itself, probably staying with friends who live near the city, but I am also toying with the idea of using the two nights I have from some holiday club mum signed us up to and having 2 nights by myself in a hotel! I am going to ask Mum for some money in lieu of a birthday present as I desperately need some new clothes (down over 17kg now), but will see.

I have been really enjoying working in electrical at work. One of my team leaders keeps telling me there are possibly contracts coming up and whilst I love the casual rates (and have had some good hours in recent weeks, even though the next fortnight is back down to a 58 hour fortnight) I would dearly love to have a set roster and every second weekend and Thursday evening off. So today I plucked up the courage to ask the electrical manager if there was a contract going, this being after he told me that he thought electrical was the place for me. He said he would look into it, but he says that about everything so I may have to ask further up the management chain.

One of the girls I worked with over Christmas is an Irish tourist who is travelling with her boyfriend. Well she left on Friday so we went out for drinks. Of course I had no money so had a glass of wine and shared some chips with someone who took pity on me. I had already blown up at W about how I am working so hard and he is still getting his treats- during the week he had $30 in his wallet. I said that he should spend $5-$10 on dinner and bread and milk and the rest needed to go on petrol. So when I got home from work and found $9 in change and chocolate biscuits and lemonade and hit the roof I was the one being unreasonable. Typical. He is meant to be applying for jobs. One he is interested in closes at 10am tomorrow and I did say I would read through his application, but am yet to see it and I will be in bed in the next hour. It is a stupid job anyway- part time mental health worker. Blind leading the blind if you ask me, but at least he is thinking about it.

Anyway, I went straight from work to the bar, changing in the loos at the shopping centre. I was a bit early so went and had a look in the bottle shop around the back. It has only opened recently (First Choice) and has a massive range of everything. They also have wine tastings. Well as I was tasting the $2 Chardonnay this guy started chatting to me. We both agreed it tasted like cat piss! I went to the next table and he followed. He poured me a half glass of the Semillon Sav Blanc and asked if I was driving (no- but I was too poor to be at the bar buying drinks, not that I told him that!). He was being quite chatty and I was a little oblivious until he went onto the red and poured a whole glass then asked me how long I had been in Cairns, introduced himself, shook my hand and asked me what I was doing that night! I told him I was going out with some girlfriends from work and he asked if I wanted to change plans! Then the penny dropped and I said thanks but no, I was looking forward to my night out with the girls. Of course if he wasn't old enough to be my father with gold jewellery all over his fingers I might have considered it! But at least I know I have been chatted up!

Oh and I had my hair dyed on Wednesday! Mum had paid for it when she was up and I just told the hairdresser I had had enough of being blonde. I love my new colour. Everyone says it makes me look younger and I keep getting stopped by colleagues to say hoe great I am looking. Miss I loves it and thinks I am copying her colour! I haven't disagreed with her!

W and I are off to Miss I's counsellor tomorrow to tell Miss I's history from pre conception to now. Could be interesting! Will report in after that (and it will be my 100th post!)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

I don't think it is me...

But it might be. I mean, what part of "W, I want you to leave" doesn't he get? He has started telling people I want him out, but then tells me he is not going. I am told by work colleagues that they don't know how I am coping. At times I don't either.

Take Thursday for instance. W has decided to make the appointment to see the financial counsellor at Lifeline, as advised by R. Of course this is for this coming Thursday morning. Now every Thursday morning for the last 12 months I have worked at WW as the recorder. It doesn't pay much, but it is pocket money and I use it to buy my lunch/dinner once a week at work. Of course this Thursday I can't do WW as I am working working. So last Thursday he asks me as I am walking out the door with the kids on the way to school to explain our finances again. I just looked at him and he then went into W mode and said I was keeping everything from him and then said he refused to collect the kids from school, even though he knew I was working until 7pm. So I drop the kids at school with them not knowing who is picking them up. I toy with the idea of taking an early dinner to collect the kids and take them home, but then decide that W really can't be trusted, plus he has told me he will be out by the evening. he is also not answering the phone. There were 27 missed calls on the home phone by the time I got home.

So I rang M&J, W's friends who help him with the illegit service they do on Sunday evenings at the nursing home. They agree to get the kids and take them home until I finish work, which is handy as they live close by. I tried ringing home throughout my dinner break and got no answer and when I finished work there was a voicemail from W: "Just returning your call, F". He didn't even ask where the kids had been or anything and then wonders why I want him to go.

There is the possibility of a contract at work. This would mean I only work every 2nd weekend and every second Thursday night. It would mean permanent rates rather than casual, but also I would know my roster from week to week. It is very tempting, especially as I am loving working in electrical.

7.30 Sunday evening and W and the kids still aren't back from the nursing home. And it is a school day and the kids need to get to bed. And dinner has been simmering for half an hour. I know I no longer love W, but I am slowly starting to hate him and I never wanted to go there.

PS- Thanks for the message J- I'm glad you enjoy reading my rants and ramblings. It helps to get them down 'on paper' as such.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Slumber parties are a misnomer

I know I have read that puberty is getting earlier and earlier with girls, but 8 year olds are definitely pre-pubescent! I got home from work and 8 girls had been here for an hour and a half. One left as I got home as she had a previous engagement to go to! I wish that 3 of the others went then too!

There were fights, there were tantrums and 5 of the girls love the same boys but are willing to share! One girl thought her older brother must be good at sex because her dad is (she is one of 8 kids mind and I am 99.9999% certain it is not a matter to be investigated!) and I know her parents well and both would be so embarrassed to hear their daughter talking like that! Her brother is only a year older mind and he is "a good boyfriend because he is good at maths and sex because my dad is." I think most of the kids missed that. Miss I was very good really, well after I read the riot act to the kids before we had dinner and did my teacher thing and we set some rules and they were all putting hands up to talk etc. Very surreal actually!

Watched Princess Diaries 1 and 2. I went to bed at 12.30 as the second DVD had finished- 3 girls (and J) were dead to the world, 2 almost asleep and the rest getting there. Miss I claims they were awake until 2.30am, but I have my doubts! J woke up first at 7am and woke me up, so no complaints there! They didn't like the grease from the barbecue on the pancakes, but still ate them! Strange kids!

One mum picked up her daughter and told me that she so wanted to tell me before that she has vowed never to have another slumber party for her daughter as some of their friendship group leave a lot to be desired and are spoilt brats really. I said that I felt they were just pre-pubescent and she said probably and we both agreed we didn't want to go there yet! I am exhausted now, had a little nap this afternoon after our brunch at a lovely hotel- complete with mango and peach daiquiris- and have made and iced cup cakes for the class tomorrow. At least I know Miss I will go to school with cakes, even if she doesn't want to do her detention!

I am rostered on for 55.75 hours this week, but they haven't taken out my meal breaks which I don't get paid for. Will take it down by 6 hours, plus we have 3 days of stocktake and are likely to finish before the rostered time of 8pm so might lose another 6 hours. I hope not as over 45 hours is overtime!

Friday, March 02, 2007


Poor Miss I ended up with a detention today. It sounds like she just lost it in the playground and ended up hitting a year 6 boy with a skipping rope leaving a welt. When she went to the office she was rude and sulked pretending to not know why she was there. Her teacher is on top of things, I think, but I don't know if I am. Mrs G thinks Miss I is really attention seeking and we are trying to find positive behaviour to praise. I know she is confused.

P rang tonight (he actually tried my mobile 5 times when I was at work) and spoke to W at length. He commented to me that he had tried W's mobile but it was disconnected. I told him that W had lost it before Christmas and had not bothered paying any bills. I also mentioned that I was not going to sort it out.

W actually told a former colleague today that I wanted him to move out. At least I know he has understood my wishes. He just admits he will not accept them or act on them. I might have to look at changing locks yet.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Birthday week

Yes, I am only fertile on Queen's Birthday weekend in June. Yesterday J turned 6 and Miss I turns 9 on Sunday.

J had a lovely day. Mum arrived yesterday until Monday. I am flat chat at work- 44 hours this week, 50 something next week and 39.75 the following week. At least I will have some money for Sydney, well maybe. Don't know what I will wear in Sydney, but that is another worry for another day.

Today... started with W breaking down in front of the kids and again telling them that I was kicking him out. This led to Miss I having a horror start to the day at school which carried on throughout the day. Mum and I had facials at the beauticians which was lovely. I saw the GP and told him I had had enough of W. He told me he doesn't believe in divorce, but understnads that something has to change. W and I then saw R where W again lost it. R told him that some form of living apart sounded like a very good idea. W was sobbing and blubbering and again blaming me. He told R he might as well kill himself.

So I came out and rang P. P rang back just as I was dishing up dinner and told me we need to call a truce (I think he means W and I, not P and I as I was ready to strangle P with the telephone cord, even though we have only cordless phones!) and offered W a visit back to the funny farm in Brissy. W turned him down. P thinks that even if we separate our problems will still be there. Sure my thesis won't be finished but my kids will be more stable.

I am back to wishing W would just top himself.