Facing reality...
That is what tomorrow is about.
1) I am seeing the lawyer. Yesterday I went to a hens party afternoon for the future SIL of my friend, D. It was a lovely afternoon, even if the punch was a little strong! One of the ladies there works with my lawyer. She told me he is the best. She also told me that just yesterday his rates rose. Damn. I knew I should have gone earlier!
2) I am seeing H, my supervisor (as opposed to H who I chat with online! LOL!). When my hard drive died I lost everything. Looks like I have most data backed up, but I can't find a copy of my Endnote library- I think it is actually on W's computer. Means I will have to ask him. Bugger
3) it is my last day of being 34. I think the whole infertility thing has had 35 entrenched in my mind as the age at which your fertility decline rapidly. All I can think is that I am going to be alone for the rest of my life. i have realised that most guys in the 30-40 year bracket who are wonderful guys are either married and their wives would be mad to get rid of them, or have major issues. I suppose deep down I still grieve that I never had a third child and I doubt I ever will.
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