W is a f*ckwit...
OK! So that is old news, I know, but still...
Today is one of my days off for the week. The plan was for me to see the GP, then see R, then get W to sign the form for Centrelink then drop it off at Centrelink then come home for a nanna nap.
Well I saw the GP. He was really good, except for the bit encouraging the kids and I to get up at 6am and go for a walk! He also counselled not to do anything too irreversible for a while WRT W. He also said that W had never verbalised wanting to hurt the kids or me, but could see my wariness at access issues. He also said that the best W could hope for at the max at the moment was every second weekend with a week of the school holidays.
So I see R and tell her all the goings on of the last fortnight. She keeps assuring me I am doing well and agrees with the supervised access. She said she could see W driving off with the kids but only getting 100km away and then thinking what the f*ck was he doing. She advised me to ring the family court and get their advice.
So I take the mail out to W and ask him to sign the Centrelink form that will hand the family tax benefit over to me. He tells me that he has spoken to Centrelink and it is not in his best interest to sign the form. I ring Centrelink from BILs place. They tell me that if I have the kids 100% of the time, I can claim 100% of the payment. W tries to tell them that nothing has been formalised yet so he will not sign the form. He then writes on the bottom of the form that he has 50% of the care and I need to tell the school and sporting clubs that he has unsupervised access to the children. So I tell him that he is shooting himself in the foot and storm off to go directly to the family court. I actually go via SIL's workplace and sit down with her for a bit where she tries to sit on the fence and say what a great job W is doing around the house.
So I rock up at the family court. They no longer do mediation, but give me the government hotline where I can get assistance. So I come home and ring. They can only look at their screen and give me the names of mediator services in town. One is legal aid, the other relationships australia. So I ring legal aid. The lady on the phone can't see how W can think he can get 50% shared care when he is on a disability support pension and tried to kill himself less than a month ago. Yet W tells me he has spoken to legal aid. Legal Aid tell me I can't access their mediation services until I have been separated for 6 weeks. They suggest I ring Relationships Aus. So I do! I have been telling W for 2 weeks that he needs to organise mediation. I speak to someone. Lo and behold when I explain the situation, the first session will be just with me before W is brought in even! Not going to tell him that until after the session either. F*ckwit. He is getting what he deserves. Oh and I won't be taking the kids over this weekend as seeing I have no family payment I can't afford petrol.
And the locks are being changed tomorrow morning too!
OMG F! or OMFG! lol! You get those locks changed asap!
I can't believe it!
I can't decide if he's seriously trying to be a bastard or just living in some fantasy dreamland?
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