Wednesday, June 13, 2007

"What are your plans for the next two years?"

This was the final question asked at my interview for a permanent position at work today. I had to go through the formal process, but was told by TPTB on Sunday that they were horrified I was still only casual and had no contract. Interview went well. I was able to answer all questions adequately, even if I started off shakily- I told them I wanted the position for stability and to know when I was working. I think I redeemed myself. Anyway... I was told that the position I had applied for has been customised for me- advertised as 29 hours/week, I was told 30+5 for the other role I have been doing, making it a 35 hour/week contract, every second weekend and as few late Thursdays as possible. I think it is kinda given that I have the job in the bag. I still have plenty of self-doubt about my abilities though and was shocked when my manager was shocked that I had no contract.

Anyway, the last question was the above title of this post. I told them truthfully that I wanted to finish my thesis and graduate but felt that the classroom wasn't calling me as much as previously and the stress of it all really puts me off. I was truthful in that I said it was lovely having set hours and not having to take work home etc. Someone, either the 2IC or my line manager who were conduction the interview then said 'and management in the next two years'. I was a little shocked and told them truthfully that it would depend on my family situation, but perhaps if an opportunity came up I would like to be considered. The 2IC then said that I most definitely would be. It was kinda humbling in a way that others have recognised qualities in me that I see as being pushy or overbearing or me not suffering fools gladly type thing. It appears that they have a career path for me at least!

I do want to finish my thesis, I really do. Working 35 hours/week may make it challenging, but I am determined to do it.

In other news... my laptop died again last night. It is at the 'hospital' but I have little hope. Of course the 3 warranty ran out 3 weeks ago. I can do a new one on interest free through work, but will wait and see.

I went for my intake interview for mediation yesterday. I do need to blog about last weekend and the horribility of it (OK! I know that is not a word, but it should be!) and will do that later. Mediator could see my point about access issues and wants to talk through them. I am also going to engage a lawyer at some stage. Probably when the kids are on holidays with Mum.

Speaking of kids... I need to go and read to them! May be back later!

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