Easier to bullet point tonight:
• Got up early enough to actually make myself a salad for lunch at work and cut kids lunches. May not seem like much, but it was a huge achievement, and a bloody nice salad (baby spinach, cucumber, red capsicum, mushrooms, alfalfa, lentil and mung bean sprouts, blue cheese and a dressing of mustard, honey, macadamia oil and sherry vinegar. Everyone at work was drooling! I did forget to add the nuts though!
•Caught up with one of the other deputy heads at school about the kids seeing a counsellor. She was horrified at the other deputy head who had talked about Miss I in front of his class last week telling me that she "was being closely monitored and is at the top of our concerned for kids list" or something similar. Sure it might have been a class of year 2's, but many of them are siblings of her friends. She was going to look into it. She also asked how I was and said that mums always seem to need to be the strong ones and patted me on the shoulder. I actually walked to the car in tears without anyone knowing.
• Saw W before work. He gave me two kisses on the cheek (at start and end of my visit) but I didn't reciprocate. Don't want to give him the wrong messages. Felt bad about it all day.
• After leaving W I rang the counsellors who have had the kids on their waiting list since February. I burst into tears to the receptionist and told her that W had tried to kill himself the other night and my kids need someone to talk to. She rang back 5 minutes later and said that someone could see them today! I said Monday would be fine so we go there at 10am. We will do Mother's Day breakfast before that as kids will be staying at their cousins tomorrow night. Am so glad they will be seen, but Miss I has said she doesn't want to talk in front of J. We will see what they recommend.
• Was phoned at work by the hospital- the hospital pharmacy doesn't carry two of W's drugs (blood pressure and reflux) so I had to take them in. Came home after work and grabbed them then took them in. W was in a bit of a state after his mother had been there for between 3 and 6 hours. W says 6, SIL thinks 3-4 perhaps. Basically I think they just had a let's hate me (F) session. The public hospital is full of people with different psychoses. It is horrible. When I was there someone stood outside in the courtyard masturbating in front of everyone then went around with the, um, residue in his hands not knowing where to put it.
• SIL had collected the kids from school and they had been to see their Daddy which was good.
• But then I got to BIL and SIL's place. MIL does not believe W should go to Brisbane. She thinks he should stay up here and be close to family. That has its points, but W would not be in for any extended period of time- most likely only a week. In Brisbane he would get a 3 week intensive programme. I don't want this to sound awful, but he would also be around other less severe mental health patients as it is not a secure hospital in Brisbane and in general the people down there are other professionals. His mother went right off at me for that comment. I told her that I did not want to be taking my children to see their father at the public hospital when men were going to be masturbating in front of them. She just thinks everyone up here is loopy anyway. So then she gets onto the phone to W's sister. She starts sprouting off at her about what a dragon I am and what a bad mother I am. Then she says that Miss I is caught in the middle as she reads my blog and reads all the nasty things I say about her father. I told SIL that this most certainly was not the case as I log out of this every time and passwords etc are not stored there and it is a unique password to every other thing I have a password to. I said that I thought there was no way she could have accessed it as I also cleared out the cache after updating this on the home computer and that it has no identifying information on it. Over dinner (which was running quite late) MIL had a go at me in front of the kids. I asked her not to talk to me like that in front of the children and she just said that she was sorry that W hadn't done a better job of his attempt as we would all be better off. I asked Miss I if she had read my blog and she said no. (Later on at home we worked out she had seen my twitter account which doesn't really say anything about what a bastard W is! and the comment she had seen was about me taking her to a violin lesson and she was upset because I called her Miss 9!) I spoke to W on the phone this evening to try and clarify things and he said that she had only told him bits of what she read in passing and he couldn't remember any of it. I told him it was my twitter account and that he could read it whenever he liked. I explained about the security of my blog. Anyway, MIL told me that if W goes to Brisbane she is going to turn her back on us for good. I almost said good, but bit my tongue.
• So then when we get home (too late to go and take the kids to see W again) and ring so the kids could say good night, W sounds quite down. He told me he only wants to go to Brisbane if it means he can come home again. I didn't respond. One of the nurses told him today that we should go to marriage therapy. I asked him if he had said that we had tried that and he said no. So he is trying to blackmail me- I'm only going to Brisbane if you promise to take me home otherwise I'll stay here and not get any better and probably try and kill myself again. Well He didn't say the last bit but it is what he implied. I am going to try and speak to his nurse tomorrow or someone. I'll take the kids in before I go to work and then take them to their cousins for the night. I'll also try and avoid MIL.