Confusion has eased...
I saw R on Tuesday whilst W was still being charming and helpful. Miss I had settled for a few days and was sleeping a lot better. J was happy (not the he usually isn't anyway!). W was helping around the house again and trying to communicate- asking about my shifts, talking about what needed to be done etc.
R suggested that I try and find all the good things in W and the negatives let them slide off me like water off the duck's back. She said that if I could find the positives then that would give me something to work with. I agreed to try it. I told W what R had said and there was little comment. Wednesday morning he was a little testy and I tried to ignore it. I saw my GP to get some repeat scripts and he said how well I looked and that he thought looking at the positives in W was a great thing and pointed out lots of positives that he saw. He also mentioned he had spoken with P and P had agreed to change his tack. We figured this was helping as W seemed to be shifting his thinking.
Wednesday night however he basically ignored me. He didn't agree with my stance on TV watching for the kids (none after tea) and decided that they could still have stories after they had watched TV. On Wednesday night there are a few programmes I like to watch on telly. I was accused of hiding behind my computer and not doing anything etc etc etc. That was after I had stayed up Tuesday night to do laundry so Miss I had uniforms and cleaned the kitchen, both supposedly 'his' jobs. When I pointed that out I was told all about this uni assignment and all the work he was doing out there. He isn't. He reads a lot but that is about it.
So Wednesday night I decided again that he doesn't want to change. He wants me to change and work 38 hour weeks and do everything around the house and do most of the parenting running around. Of course I worked solidly Thursday and Friday and didn't get to ring legal aid. Friday W goes shopping and $70 later tells me he has bought essentials- 3 loaves of bread, 4 cartons of milk (I get long life), biscuits, cordial, lemonade, chocolate etc. No tinned tomatoes, no pasta, no rice, no tinned pulses or things that I would see as essentials. Nothing to make an evening meal. And he had basically spent our weekly food budget.
So on to last night which really deserves its own blog post...
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