So what does the devil wear and who is s/he?
Brief update!
Lat night was interesting! I cooked a magnificent meal! Bought top quality steak, grilled it to perfection for both of us- his blackened beyond recognition and mine with some moo! I also did his favourite spuds- diced and baked with thyme and garlic and olive oil. I then did a simple salad to go with it. Dessert was mixed berries- paid a fortune for blueberries and raspberries- with top quality vanilla ice-cream (I only had a small spoonful!) and cream (I didn't have any!. W was in his element. He was very lucky that I cooked it for him after his attitude. We got home and he went and lay on the bed. Told me he was tired. So I started cooking dinner. I went in to see how he was and asked if he could move the small side table into the room and set it for two. He said ok, but half an hour later was still lying down. So I did it. Set it all with ironed linen placemats, ironed linen serviettes in rings and lit candles. He came out and just watched me do it and sat and turned the news on. I then opened a bottle of wine (1998 Shiraz- wow! Lucky it hadn't turned!) and mentioned that I wouldn't complain if he fixed me a drink before dinner. 5 mins later and no action so I got out glasses and ice. He then came in and instead of just getting me a drink, suggested something inappropriate and I had to tell him what I thought was appropriate.
Anyway dinner was divine, the wine was fantastic and I also managed to open a bottle of 20 year old Botrytis which I thought would be off but was divine! My big mistake was putting rum in the coffee as it sent us both to sleep! I did mention over dinner that I found his behaviour baffling. We kinda talked about it but all he does is relate it back to him and his lifetraps and tells me that I need to understand these. I told him that if he is recognising them then why is he perpetuating them and not working on changing them.
This morning I cooked breakfast- poached eggs with steamed asparagus and spinach. Also did a little sauce to go with it. I knew W would not like veggies for breakfast and it was rushed as I had WW but it was nice.
I worked this evening and then we met at the cinema to see a 9.15 session! I don't think we have been to a late evening session since before we were married! lol! We saw 'The Devil Wears Prada'. I was not convinced by it. I think I would have preferred to see something that was more soppy and romantic! Of course even though I am not usually attracted by blondes, Simon Baker is dishy and why she didn't stay with him is beyond me! lol! W and I had an interesting discussion afterwards! W found the film entertaining, I wasn't sold on its premise- that Andie became evil because she turned her back on her values. I suspect that she took her values with her and in many ways was able to impart them on her colleagues but at the same time found them challenged. perhaps it is because it is where I am! Do I know what my values are anymore? I am not prepared to go back to the old me- vicar's wife who put her life on hold to support her husband. I still want to support my husband, but at the same time want him to support me too. That is what is not happening really.
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