Saturday, October 07, 2006

blah blah blugh...

I really am too tired to write anything too coherent tonight... but...

The kids are home. J had a ball! I had a friend from school there (A) who can be a little b-i-t-c-h! I am friendly with A's mum, but A can be a real handful. Anyway it appears (from I's point of view) that A wanted to be popular on camp so teased I a lot and spread lies and gossip about her. I think the first couple of days were ok, but by the third day I had the opinion that everyone was against her.

Of course the kids coming home has totally altered W's mood. It is almost like he is constantly seeking their approval. They came home yesterday evening, picked me up from work at 5.45 then we went for a pizza. The kids were tired so I said that when they got home it was straight to bed. W disagreed and said they could watch a little telly. So at 8.30pm, when I am in bed exhausted, the kids are fighting about going to bed. J doesn't want to sleep in his bedroom- too scary so W tells him he can sleep with us. I doesn't want to sleep in her bed because no one is in the lounge watching telly and she can't hear anyone so she will be scared. I told W to sort it. perhaps it was a bad move but I was just totally exhausted.

Tonight has not been much better. BIL's wretched dog has been staying here. She is deaf but continually whines and barks. It is just so annoying. The kids again wanted to watch more telly after Dr Who. I said no, but W said they could. Again a real screaming match between them and me. So i am the bad parent. I asked W this morning before going to work to hang out the load of washing that had been sitting wet in the laundry basket for 3 days. I get home to find it there but a load of towels had found their way through the machine and the machine was going with another load of Ws stuff. I asked about the basket and was told that the top seemed dry so he thought it must have been dry. So tonight after yelling at the kids I am down there doing that too. I am working tomorrow again. I know we need the money, but I also need someone else to do some stuff around the house. The kitchen looks like a bomb has hit it. Again my fault as I am the only one who cooks. W has 4 or 5 law assignments that have been due in the last few weeks. He was told that one was final extension of yesterday and it still isn't done. I am over it all. I am not typing it for him and I am not looking forward to picking up the pieces when he fails this semester.

I have to put my thesis first. This is hard when I am the only bread winner, but it must be done. I know I will be exhausted on Monday but I will make sure I get some work done.

I am just sick and tired of being the only worker around here :(

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