Saturday, June 24, 2006

Another interesting Shrink appointment

I spent most of yesterday's appointment in tears. P was very sympathetic and when I admitted that I didn't know why I still put up with W's behaviour he said that he couldn't tell us whether to stay together or seperate, because we were there together it must mean something... He said that we were both trashing our marriage and were not showing any pleasantries to each other. I have to go away and look at Wayne's strengths and come up with some that begin 'usually' or 'W used to...'

Of course when we left W was in a mood. He decided that he didn't want to take the dog to the kennels. I was meant to be going to uni to photocopy some data that my supervisor had collected for me. So again I was in tears. I rang my supervisor and just said that I couldn't make it out there. She told me to go and sit in the sunshine for 20 minutes and get some vitamin k...

I asked W that seeing I was having to drive to take the dog to the kennel, perhaps he could stay and do the dishes and hang out the washing. He told me that because we had so much to do and I needed to copy this data it meant that we shouldn't go to Melbourne. Well I told him that if he wanted to stay behind that was up to him, but if he did when we returned I would expect him to have moved out of our home. So he then tells me that he will change his flight to one to Adelaide and go and stay with his parents. This amused me as his parents didn't even ring him for his birthday and his mother keeps threatening to come up and 'sort W out' as she claims she is the only person in the world who knows how he ticks. This really amuses my BILs wife (she is the one who MIL talks to!). I told him that the tickets couldn't be changed like that as they were frequent flyer point tickets. He then tells me that he will come up to take the dog to the kennels with me. I told him that I would only allow this if a) he didn't sulk all the way b) he showed civility towards me and c) he did the dishes when wee got home so I could arrange the laundry. He agreed. It was a pretty uneventful trip up there (40 mins away at Kuranda) and on the way back we kinda chatted. Well it was the closest we had come to chatting for a long time.

We went to Maccas for dinner, mainly so I could use the Wireless Hotspot on my laptop and get some emails! (new modem has not turned up and old one is very very intermittent- no joy with it at all last night). Kids had a ball. Came home and kids actually went to bed. I finished packing and organising at midnight and whilst W didn't help that much he stayed awake which was a start. He also made suggestions about what we should take with us.

This morning he commented that even though the cab arrived at 4.30 to take us to the airport we weren't frazzled and I was thrilled that he had noticed this. Of course when we get to Melbourne and discover all the things we have forgotten and my brother enters the equation...

So that's it for now! Mum won a dinner tonight for 8 people with a Geelong Footy Club legend at his home. So she is picking us up from the airport and W and I are heading to Geelong with her whilst my brother takes the kids back to their place. Kids are happy with this as they adore their uncle. (I don't really understand why!).

Will try and report in tomorow evening or on Monday...

1 comment:

teachingmum1970 said...

I honestly think you need a break from him. Send him to his mother in Adelaide to be "sorted out". Let's see her try it!