Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Where to start...

Saturday afternoon I brought up the household chores with W. Basically he just had another meltdown and told me that he wasn't going to do anything. I had drawn up a list of all the chores that really need to be done in order for the household to operate properly. His response was we just need to prioritise, we are doing too much, once we cut back we will get more done... etc etc etc. Whilst I take his point that we need to prioritise, at the same time there are things that need doing. I suggested at one stage we do the laundry together for a few weeks and then he can do it by himself. He asked me when and I suggested we programme the machine to finish at 6 am and he could hang it out then. I told him that if I was to get up at 6am for my walk then he could get up and hang out washing. I have left it at that, but made a point of trying to do everything around the house. It just makes me angrier and more tired (it is my anger and my tiredness...).

And on to our mindfulness activity. We have decided to do a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle together. For 3 nights in a row we haven't really watched telly and we have sat and done it. Last night was the first time we actually asked each other for advice which I suppose is a start. We have made quite a bit of progress- photos to come!

1 comment:

teachingmum1970 said...

My question would be what do you leave out? I know we do too much too but what to drop? I don't want to drop the gym or exercise and the boys do one activity outside of school/day care which is gymnastics - much needed in the case of big ds. I don't we should give up on tyring to cook healthy meals or trying to keep up with the laundry either.
I agree with the prioritising but it all has to be done sooner or later.