Friday, May 19, 2006

Time to focus on me...

Not wanting to sound too narcissistic, but the time has come for me to focus on me.

I am feeling a lot better today (have had tonsillitis all week) and am actually sitting in my office at uni. I can't remember when the last time was I was here, but I obviously didn't expect to be away for so long as I had sitting on my desk a lot of lollies! I vaguely remember stopping off at 'Sweetz Salvation' on my way here last time! Of course today I have bought out an apple, pear and bag of nibllies, but I will alternate and not eat all the lollies at once, I promise!

I have actually sorted out my desk, entered information into my database for referencing, found two new articles (it may help to have 2006 articles in my thesis!) and opened the work I have done. I have also started to edit the stuff I did last year.

On top of that I have no chat programs open so I can't be distracted and I have my 'time wasting web pages' (the ones I flick through to waste time!) open in tabs behind my academic ones. I have this open on my academic ones!

W has been a lot better this week. He is taking about feeling better and thinking that the medication is finally right- this is after blaming his medication a fortnight ago, or more correctly blaming me for ensuring he is on medication.

I am off to see H soon to make a plan for my thesis. I feel good about this. The dishes are in the sink at home and I will just have to live with that and so will W. It is important I do some things for me and stop being his carer. I have even put my foot down and told him that I wont visit his lecturers with him! He doesn't need anyone to hold his hand, even though he thinks he does...


teachingmum1970 said...

But have you broached the household chores thing with him so that you can continue to do things for yourself?
You are quite right about not holding his hand to visit lecturers. If he can't do that on his own at his age then he shouldn't be there. And whether he should be there to the extent that he is could be debatable anyway.
I'm really glad to hear you getting back into your thesis and I hope the gym and WW figure into the "doing things for yourself" category too!

teachingmum1970 said...

BTW I don't think you're being narcissistic at all it really is time to take care of you!