Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter?

Well i do believe his threats are totally idle ones. Again this afternoon W had a pity party and carried on about how much better he would be leaving us. SO I went along with it, only challenging his assumptions. Turns out he thinks that it is a 24 hour job to look after a home and that the problem is that I am not doing that. When I asked why he did zip, zippo, zilch I was told that that was because I won't let him.

So he is in tears again telling me that he is leaving. I asked him where he would go and he said he would look for somewhere.

Then a phone call. To cut a long story short, a lot of the issues in the parish were stirred up by a new couple last year. Both are remarried divorcees, he is a priest. The bishop has told this man that he is to have nothing to do with the diocese and is not permitted to take services. So he and his wife have set up a 'community' and are trying to attract the disenchanted from the parish we were in. I have steered well clear of it as I do not believe it is the right thing to do. W has been encouraging them. So they have started a Sunday evening service at a local nursing home. I did put my foot down and told W that if he took part in leading the service he would have his sick leave taken away from him and to the best of my knowledge he is only doing a reading at these services. Anyway it was M on the phone saying that he would pick W up in 30 minutes. So I said that I would put him onto W. W told M that he was looking forward to it. Snapped out of his tears and went and got ready. I asked him what he was going to tell M & J re him leaving and our marriage being over. The look of shock on Ws face that I had called his bluff.

I also asked him what he would tell the kids and he changed the subject. I think he is all bluff...

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