Does one swallow make a summer?
Yesterday was a fabulous day! W actually helped me clean out the garage and load the skip and then, without me asking, swept out downstairs and tidied it up.
earlier in the day he had rung A&P and asked them if they wanted to go out to dinner with us. We had a lovely evening out. Great conversation, didn't drink too much (which is a first when we all get together!), home at 9.30, kids at cousins place for the night... So we put on the DVD of 'Pride and Prejudice' which i had given W for Easter. We actually sat on the same couch and snuggled together. Then when that finished, W channel surfed (it was after midnight) and found a documentary on happiness on the ABC and how researchers are looking at brain activity of Tibetan Monks to see if meditation can help promote happiness. It was very interesting!
We didn't get to bed until after 1.30– and not to sleep for a while after that ;)
Then this morning we had an appointment with the shrink (P). It went quite well. It was a long appointment. I pointed out a lot of the issues we had had over the last fortnight. We talked through them and P really challenged W and his withdrawal whenever life gets tough or whenever he has to do something with an unknown outcome. P then challenged W about his people skills and W agreed to work on them. P told W straight out that W has to think about his choice of career and what impact his lack of people skills will have on either being a priest or a lawyer.
Of course afterwards W was trying to twist P's words, but fortunately this time I had heard everything and was able to challenge W's interpretations. We caught up with the kids and spent the afternoon doing bits of shopping. We talked civilly to each other and W even held my hand at one stage (which really grossed out Miss 8!).
So whilst one swallow does not make it Summer (or Spring whatever saying you are used to!) perhaps we have turned the corner!
1 comment:
Glad you had a good day and I hope there are many more. It is good to see some of W's issued being more thoroughly unearthed but I think it would be better for the two of you if you could come up with more consensus over housework.
Jealous of the hand holding - I don't even get that any more let alone anything else!
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