Two steps forward, one step back
I am sick of being back to everything being my fault. Miss 8 loaded the dishwasher before dinner tonight. THen she filled the sink with hot water and almost scalded herself. When I suggested she wait W bit my head off saying it was only because she couldn't cope with everything being in such a mess and that he agreed with her. Of course he hadn't lifted a finger.
I ended up spending a lot of today in bed feeling revolting. I went to bed at 8 last night, but even after 2 vallium at 10 was still wide awake at midnight.
Tonight I have stayed up a little longer and will still take the vallium and hope to sleep.
I ended up buying fish and chips for dinner. Once again have decided that I need to get back on the weight loss bandwagon and perhaps even try and take control of this part of my life.
I am so exhausted and need sleep, but my anxiety is rearing its head. Not happy Jan...
1 comment:
Go to dr for you and get meds for you reviewed. You won't survive this without sleep.
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