Sunday, August 26, 2007

Um, I think I have a date this week...

I am all jittery and fluttery and excited and...

Well earlier in the week I got a message from a guy (G) from the dating site. Pretty soon we were exchanging witty messages and had shared our yahoo messenger ids! We had a very very long chat Thursday night and again Friday. On Friday he said we just had to meet. Then yesterday he took his parents and children (twins same age as J) to visit some caves and was out of mobile range. (We had exchanged mobile numbers the other night too!)

Last night we had a farewell for someone at work. There was a bar tab. There was champagne. I think you can guess the rest! Anyway, in my inebriated state I sent G a text message last night after I found that the partner of a colleague knows G from work and told me what a nice guy he is. Then when I got home I sent him a drunken email telling him I couldn't wait to meet him and got a bit soppy, but stopped short of declaring undying love or anything that dramatic! When I woke up this morning with my head thumping and checked my outbox I thought o dear! I thought as soon as he got home I wouldn't hear from him again. But no, he sent me a text saying that he had been thinking of me whilst he was away and then replied to the email telling me how lovely it was.

He appears very romantic and sweet and witty and educated and I am looking forward to having dinner with him. I honestly don't know if I am looking for a relationship or anything, but a date sounds nice!


Banks School of Scottish Dancing said...

Woohoo F!! Have a great time!!!!!!!
And Well Done on the promotion at work!!


mrsfroggie1970 said...

This is VERY cool!

Comsole said...

How excitement! I agree with everything S said about taking the opportunity to enjoy some adult company, have a few laughs. Keen to hear how it goes. What's W been up to? (Isildae)