For that MrsFroggie woman! LOL
She keeps pestering me about posting so here it is!
Work: Well work is fan-fairy-tastic! I love it and it is what is keeping me sane!
A month or so back the store manager asked me to come into her office for a chat. She basically told me that she was creating a team leader position based on some of my previous work and 'encouraged me to apply.' So I did and I have been told I have the position. I am sad that I won't be as involved in the department as I have been, but excited at the prospects, especially as I was asked during the week by the store manager if I wanted to become part of the management team. I told her not at the moment as it is too hard with the kids.
We had stocktake this week and I coordinated our department after our team leader left a couple of weeks ago. It went so well and everyone praised me. My line manager even winked at me when praising me and I am not sure what that means! LOL! He is also being realigned and I joked to him that although the team will be sad to see him go they will be overjoyed to see me go so it will all even out! One of the senior managers thought that was very amusing! Actually I have gotten on really well with the team over the last few weeks. I have stepped up to basically being acting team leader and they have responded. I read somewhere recently that the trick is not to delegate, but to delegate and then follow up. So that is what I have done, using positive reinforcement techniques on the guys. I did joke to one guy who is in his early 20s that it must seem like he is back at school with the way I carry on as I feel like I am in a classroom at times and he said he was really enjoying it. So I must be doing something right!
With stocktake came the reports and I really enjoyed using my brain for a bit! I have decided that I will definitely finish my thesis, but the classroom is on hold. If anything I think I would prefer adult education or training of some description.
I do need to dedicate a post to sh*t for brains (not even giving him the honour of uppercase!) but that can wait- he hardly deserves one, but I do need to vent about his behaviour. Bastard.
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