Well I think W is finally off sick leave! This is just because the scum bags have diddled us. Me bitter? lol!
I know that one of the reasons W is upset with the world at the moment is because he has finished sick leave. W now has to negotiate a suitable license arrangement. Theoretically they were going to license him to be an honourary chaplain at the uni, but I don't know if that will happen. Ideally they would have given him the 1.5 days a week hospital chaplaincy, but instead they gave that to someone with no qualifications. At least they have put this person on a 6 month contract only and told W that he might be considered early next year.
I can't see W getting any work. He is flat out trying to do some uni work and not getting very far. My hours are bringing in about $150 less a fortnight than his sick pay which shoes how we were ripped off. He went from being a professional with a house, car, utilities, telephone etc all paid for plus a salary sacrifice account that paid for private health insurance and kids school fees to being paid less than a sales assistant working about 30 hours/week! I have to tell myself their is more to life than money, but the only people to say that money does not buy happiness are rich people! lack of money can buy lots of unhappiness!
So I have given one month's notice on my gym membership. I actually thought I could cancel it on the spot, but apparently not. I am only going in once a week so really not making the most of it. A friend from WW up here has suggested I try out Curves which is much cheaper and they encourage you to visit for half an hour each time- three times/week. So I will see!
We are eating pretty much budget meals and have cut back in so many places, but little luxuries would be appreciated!
I know once my thesis is in and I am working 50 hour weeks at work we will be better off and I will be able to afford Christmas presents, but things like the car rego and home insurance are always putting us behind.
Life really sucks at times.
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