Another huge fight
Was this a meltdown, or just a huge fight? I don't know, but it has left me totally drained.
It started when Miss 8 told me that she hadn't been wearing her orthodontic plate because daddy told her to take it out if it hurt her. WHen she put it in for me her teeth have moved dramatically and it doesn't fit. I got angry and told her that I really didn't have the money to replace it and that I had just spent $1000+ on orthodontic work that had been wasted. She was crying, I was probably yelling etc etc etc. I reminded her that her father had not been at the orthodontist appointment where she had been told to wear her plate every night.
So I confront W about it. He tells me, in front of the kids, that he should just commit suicide. I had planned to go to the gym, but instead was running late so decided to confront W. Probably a bad idea. He then yells at me stating everything is my fault, our relationship is broken and for the last 15 years I have made his life hell. I should be doing everything around the house and I only ever half do things, I only do the things that I want to do, I leave things not completed etc etc etc. I pointed out that he does nothing and was told that it was only because I never like anything he does and it is never done to my expectations.
I tell him that saying he wants to kill himself in front of Miss 8 who said the same thing on Saturday is a dumb move. He then turns it back on me and it is my fault she is like she is. He reiterates our relationship is over and that I don't care about my family.
I ended up sobbing in the bedroom for an hour and have now decided to do this. Life sucks.
It really does suck! And it IS NOT YOUR FAULT no matter what he says. I think it is going to do you a lot of good to get away from it all for a few days (presuming you still are!).
I also hope you have big plans to jump up and down at the dr's on Wednesday and get W hospitalised. This continued behaviour is putting you your family at risk.
And another thing! I'm on roll now and angry on your behalf because you (or anyone else) does not deserve to live to like this. Part of treating depression is challenging the irrational thoughts isn't?
Well, document your day. Write down everything you do do around the house tomorrow for example and then confront him with it or whip it out at the dr's on Wednesday.
We all know you do as much as you can around the house so he needs to be shown that.
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