Utterly exhausted...
What a weekend! Friday night K and I went out to the Tapas Bar and beyond! cocktails, Spanish wine, great food, then onto a few pubs and a nightclub and then the casino. Rolled home around 1am. No decent men out that we could find, but I suspect we had had a little too much to drink anyway...
Then yesterday morning I woke up at 5.30. I was not well! I drove the porcelain bus for a while and kept having to get on it again and again! K was feeling fine and managed to cook a breakfast for the kids and herself but I was too ill to eat! I slept a bit more then came with Miss I and her friend whilst J stayed with K and his friend for a bit. Then we did the big kid swap- Miss I stayed there again last night whilst J stayed with W.
Last night was the farewell for a work colleague whom I am really sad to see go. It was at a great Greek restaurant and I made sure I was driving and had one glass of wine for the night! I know I was sick because I mixed drinks and I really should know better!
So home last night just before midnight. This morning I helped with a breastfeeding education class for expecting parents. I really enjoyed it, even though I was pretty tired. THen to collect J, then Miss I. Was going to nap this afternoon but got some laundry done instead. Work has asked me to swap days this week- need to post about work sometime. So I will head to bed very very shortly. I have not had such a social weekend in a long time! I did enjoy it- the getting dressed up bits and the dancing and the food and the drinking on Friday, even if I was sick because of it! K and I are going to try and get out once a month sans kids. Will see how we go and make sure next time we don't drink as much!
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