Sunday, March 04, 2007

Slumber parties are a misnomer

I know I have read that puberty is getting earlier and earlier with girls, but 8 year olds are definitely pre-pubescent! I got home from work and 8 girls had been here for an hour and a half. One left as I got home as she had a previous engagement to go to! I wish that 3 of the others went then too!

There were fights, there were tantrums and 5 of the girls love the same boys but are willing to share! One girl thought her older brother must be good at sex because her dad is (she is one of 8 kids mind and I am 99.9999% certain it is not a matter to be investigated!) and I know her parents well and both would be so embarrassed to hear their daughter talking like that! Her brother is only a year older mind and he is "a good boyfriend because he is good at maths and sex because my dad is." I think most of the kids missed that. Miss I was very good really, well after I read the riot act to the kids before we had dinner and did my teacher thing and we set some rules and they were all putting hands up to talk etc. Very surreal actually!

Watched Princess Diaries 1 and 2. I went to bed at 12.30 as the second DVD had finished- 3 girls (and J) were dead to the world, 2 almost asleep and the rest getting there. Miss I claims they were awake until 2.30am, but I have my doubts! J woke up first at 7am and woke me up, so no complaints there! They didn't like the grease from the barbecue on the pancakes, but still ate them! Strange kids!

One mum picked up her daughter and told me that she so wanted to tell me before that she has vowed never to have another slumber party for her daughter as some of their friendship group leave a lot to be desired and are spoilt brats really. I said that I felt they were just pre-pubescent and she said probably and we both agreed we didn't want to go there yet! I am exhausted now, had a little nap this afternoon after our brunch at a lovely hotel- complete with mango and peach daiquiris- and have made and iced cup cakes for the class tomorrow. At least I know Miss I will go to school with cakes, even if she doesn't want to do her detention!

I am rostered on for 55.75 hours this week, but they haven't taken out my meal breaks which I don't get paid for. Will take it down by 6 hours, plus we have 3 days of stocktake and are likely to finish before the rostered time of 8pm so might lose another 6 hours. I hope not as over 45 hours is overtime!


Banks School of Scottish Dancing said...

I found your blog through my friend, L. My DH (not so dear atm) is currently suffering depression too. Something that has been undiagnosed for most of his life, but hit a head exactly 12 months ago when he left home, had an affair, attempted suicide.

Anyway, atm he is 'in a state' and sometimes it feels like I wanna check MYSELF in somewhere. But I wanted to let you know that when I feel like that, I come and read your blog and know that I can deal with it - we're not in as bad a way as you and W - - - - yet.....


Anonymous said...

I am so glad I don't have girls.