Monday, March 19, 2007

Good news and bad news


Well the really good news is that Miss I is not clinically depressed or clinically anxious, but unless things change she is heading that way. An interesting appointment with J, her psychologist. (How come I always say appointments are interesting?!?) W didn't say much. Miss I is trying to be a parent to J who she is really really worried about and also to W and I. She hates it when we fight and when W tells her that he won't be her father anymore and that I am kicking him out. She also admitted she is being bullied at school and this was occurring last year and she didn't want to admit to it because she thought it would worry us more.

She told J that she hates daddy being sick and liked it when he wasn't sick. I'm really glad she can remember when he wasn't sick as I don't think I can. J recommended that we take Miss I and Master J to the Catholic welfare agency for some support and some family therapy etc.

I keep telling W that I don't want to deny him access to the kids. But he is going to have to pull his act together.

I am going to have to head to bed, but this is post 100... That is a lot of rambling and I am certain that there are more words here than will be in my thesis. If only that was as easy to write the thesis, but then again I do enjoy work at the store at the moment!

1 comment:

mrsfroggie1970 said...

Nooooooooooo! You don't want to spend your life as a shop assistant! If you are not going to take any baby steps towards getting rid of W then at least take some towards finishing your thesis. You are destined to be a great teacher. Don't let all of W's issues stand in your way!!!!