Wednesday, October 04, 2006

W's studies

It looks like W is trying to write off this semester. He is into week 8 and has done very little work. His lecturers have been very encouraging however and are allowing him extensions. He just can't get into the work. I know he is doing one or two too many subjects, but he has to realise this for himself.

I hope he gets through. He says that all he wants to do is be a parish priest again. I have told him that if he goes back into parish ministry then I am leaving. I think he understands this. I would be fine with him doing chaplaincy work, but not running a parish again. He does not like this and is constantly telling me how unhappy he is with me not going to church. After what I have been through and the venom that was pushed at me by the bishop most people can see why I am not going near them with a barge pole, but not W. He thinks I should just keep on going as if nothing has happened. Well things did happen and I was called a liar and told by my bishop that he was unable and unwilling to offer me pastoral support. I don't want to belong to a body that thinks that this is acceptable Christian behaviour.

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