Monday, October 16, 2006

*I* am not going crazy

Phew! At last a decent appointment with P. I suppose it was bound to be with all the sh*t that has happened this weekend- lots to work with! We ended up having another huge argument at midnight and W sulked off downstairs and I wrote out a long list of stuff I wanted to bring up.

P started the session asking W how he was and W said not good. W elaborated a bit and then P asked me so I launched straight into Saturday, and Friday night with W heading downstairs etc.

P came straight out and told W that he is in the same place he was 12 months ago and he was showing such immaturity and he needed to grow up! I could have jumped up and hugged and kissed P! Finally he called W on his behaviour in a more direct way!

Anyway. I had an appointment with our wonderful GP this afternoon. W was meant to be at uni but insisted he come with me! Meant I couldn't totally say what I was feeling, but still it was good. My eye is possibly scratched which is why it is so sore, plus I am wearing my contacts too much. So no contacts for 5 days. Ointment for 3 days then new contacts, solution and case.

I also had to get a certificate to cover my thesis extension. GP gave me 2 years! He told W that he was putting down that W had Major Depression and has been in crisis mode for the last two years during which time I have been his primary carer. W wasn't that impressed but GP said it was the least he could do for me. He is also very excited about my topic! We talked about me stopping my antidepressants (I stopped taking them a couple of weeks back) and we are going to see how I go over the next few weeks. He said that really I need better lifestyle management- more exercise, more stress relief in activities that relax me (music, catching up with friends, cooking etc!) and living for me. W told him that he had been told he was immature and he said that he wanted W to get a job of some description. Strange thing was that P said a similar thing to W this morning, pointing out that most first year uni students have applied for government assistance and are working part time!

So *I* am not going mad and W needs to change. And to think P got paid $200 for the hour to tell W that!

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