Monday, September 04, 2006

This is just crap crap crap crap crap

Yes, of course the email account (which is only a mailbox fee of $2/month) is linked to Ws mobile account. Now Ws mobile was disconnected 2 weeks ago, but do you think he has phoned them about it? No, of course not. So it looks as though credit management has closed the account! *I* have to ring tomorrow because I know for certain that he won't.

And then tonight when I have tried to talk to him we are back to 'our marriage is a sham, it is over, you don't clean, you don't do the laundry'. Yep. All my fault again. So I asked him what he was going to do about it. he says he is going to move downstairs until he can move out. But is still lying in our bed.

I just can't take his crap anymore.

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