Saturday, July 08, 2006


Sat down and had a chat with mum tonight to explain our situation. She is not prepared to bail us out again, after paying our credit card bills a few months ago. That is understandable. W drank 1.5 bottles of red tonight so was in fine form and even asked my brother if he would pay the kids school fees and co-curricular expenses. We had been told all week about how much he dotes on the kids and he never spends any money. Anyway he agreed! So W went a step further and asked if he would cover the dance lessons, violin and swimming fees too! And he agreed. So that is a relief, but I don't like the situation. My brother has bullied me all week, put me down in public and demonstrated behaviour in front of the kids that when they have replicated I have chastised tehm for, only for them to come back with 'But P does it to you'. I just wish P would see what he is doing and how antisocial his behaviour is!

So home tomorrow! Fortunately I checked the flight times- Mum thought we were leaving at 5pm, we are leaving at 3 (yippee!). Almost 2 hours in Brissy, but I will have time to ring T which will be nice!

We are expected to live frugally and Mum doesn't think it unreasonable to live on less than $300/month. Aparently I should make spinach pie...

H + A new religion!

Well an interesting week with my family. We have decided that next time we come we hire a car and probably stay somewhere else!

Anyway, yesterday was our first day with a little bit of money. We met two of I's Godparents and their 7yo daughter and went to the Melbourne Museum. Had a great time with them. My brother agreed to come in and collect them and take them home so W and I could go out together. First thing he had agreed to all trip. So they went off at 4.30pm, we had a cuppa with S&F (S's mum was there too and took Miss 7 off for a hot chocolate elsewhere!) which was nice and then went on our way. Our plan was to have a quick look at the Myer 'History Making Sale', W wanted to go to a few bookshops and then we head for a movie then a bit to eat.

Well we had a good look at Myer and ended up getting my brother a shirt for his birthday- hald price and plain. Suited on all accounts! We went through kitchenware and bought the kids an egg cup set each for Christmas which cost $10 for the two of them.

We then went to Borders and had a look at lots of things- I felt really restrained- wanted to buy lots but didn't. Had a good look at lots of things. W ended up buying 2 books, which for him was really restrained too!

We had a look around lots of other shops and dreamed about winning lotto and being able to afford nice things! We decided to walk through the old GPO which has been turned into lots of shops (except no post office!). We had a quick browse in the ABC Shop which is where we came across Edward deBono's new book 'A new Religion? H+. How to live your life positively through happiness, humour, help, hope, health'. I have always loved deBono's Thinking Hats and have used them on prac a great deal, but there was something about this book which really struck me. I bought it immediately and read it last night. It makes total sense! Clicking on the title above will take you to a deBono site and you can read more. Tomorrow I am actually going to start the day by drawing 100 circles on a piece of paper!

By the time we finished window shopping, we were pooped and the cinemas had all started the flicks we wanted to see (10 Canoes and Wah Wah), so we went for dinner. We found a nice little place that was attached to a motel in Little Bourke St. Had a bowl of pasta, which didn't break the bank and then went and had coffee at Pelligrini's (sp?)- a real Melbourne institution! Mum was at a meeting in town and was having dinner elsewhere, so we went to that place and had dessert and a drink. Was a little annoyed that W decided to have a $26 glass of port, but he enjoyed it and it has been an extremely frugal holiday!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

bloody hell

I suppose to be expected. I have just typed out a long post and now lost it.

Life sucks.

The valium should have kicked in by now and I will head back to bed. Can't sleep. we have no money, holiday with my family sucks, i am about to cancel W and my 2 nights at a city hotel as even though one night is free we can't afford it. my brother is being a bully all the time and I am told (in front of him) to put up with it. At least W sees how I hate the situationa nd has been giving me hugs...

Happy fucking birthday (not)